No early morning class

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I got up before 6am, all excited to take an early morning yoga class that I had signed up for. We were four people waiting outside the studio and at 6:45, fifteen minutes after class should have started, the other ones left. I tried to call the number on their website but didn’t get through and then I sent an email to the owner. I walked home and got to spend some time with my husband before he left for work. It’s a beautiful warm day today so I honestly didn’t mind walking there and back. It takes less than ten minutes and there is no traffic that early in the morning so it was very peaceful. 

Apparently they had changed the start of the early morning classes to June. She had just forgot to delete in on the website. But I get a free workshop instead so I can’t complain:) 

It’s going to be really hot outside today. This morning, after my adventure, I had the downstairs balcony door open and ate my breakfast with the sun in my face. Hot but lovely. Magazines that I got free subscriptions for and a book I bought came in the mail yesterday so instead of doing yoga poses in a studio I read a magazine with ridiculous fashion:) 

may17-2017Have a wonderful day my friends!

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