May 14th

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Currently sitting on our terrace alone listening to some ambient music. My husband took the dog out for a long walk. It’s a little chilly but not too bad. I enjoy it.

Yesterday, we were supposed to go to a baseball game, but it got cancelled because of heavy rain. It rained all day and we were tired, so we didn’t do much. Today, the weather has been great! We started with having breakfast at a diner near our apartment and then we went for a bike ride with our new bikes that was delivered last weekend. A lot of uphill so I’m sure we will both be sore tomorrow:) Then we sat on our terrace for a while in the warm sun and burnt our faces. The church next door played bell music for 45 minutes which drove me nuts, but it was still nice to just sit there and read a book. In the afternoon I started to organize in the walk-in-closet. Somehow all our stuff ended up in there making a mess, so now it’s better and all the different closets in the apt makes more sense.

I had a lot of energy, so I started to bake bread to eat for breakfast tomorrow. I found a super simple recipe that I will share with you later. My husband laughed at me standing there in my apron baking bread. But, that’s what a good house wife does, right? Especially on Mothers Day (yes, being a pommy mommy counts 🙂 ). When the bread was done, I started cooking dinner. Salmon cooked in the oven with couscous and a salad. I deserve a cold miller and some alone time now. 

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