Last minute yoga class

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The rain woke me up at 4am today. It took me a few seconds to realize it and then I jumped out of bed, rolled up the curtain and ran to grab a towel. We had the window open and the mosquito net, the window frame, the inside of the curtain and the carpet was all wet. Not a fun choir in the middle of the night. It took me a while to fall back to sleep and in the morning I was too tired to wake up. When I finally got up, I had missed the first yoga class so I thought I could enjoy a nice breakfast and take a class in the evening instead. But I know myself, I would not go there in the evening. So during my walk with Thor I made a decision to take the next class that was going to start in 40 minutes. Quick shower, brushed my teeth, drank a glass of water and then I was off to class. I kinda ran in the rain to get to the studio in time. 
I’m glad that I went. After class I felt great! Every muscle in my body had been working and I was ready to take on the day. Or, that’s what I thought. Sitting down for breakfast (yes, breakfast at noon) made me sleepy and soon both me and the puppy were taking a nap on the couch. The whole day just disappeared. I haven’t done anything today really, but I have the whole night still. My husband is going into Manhattan tonight for some work party so I’m going to have dinner, stretch my body, work on a few things on my laptop and go to bed early so that I can get up tomorrow morning with a lot of energy. 

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