Early mornings

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morningyoga-may8-2017Picture from yesterdays morning yoga at 9:15am

Good morning! How are you guys?
I feel great today! We wake up earlier and earlier these days, which I think is awesome. Our dog wakes up from the sun coming in to the bedroom and the sunrise is earlier every day. My husband doesn’t really care for T’s kisses an hour before his alarm goes off, so this morning, since I woke up at the same time as T, I got up and took him out for a walk.
I’ve never really understood why people want to stay up all night and sleep all day. When I was younger, I trained myself to sleep in. All my friends wanted to stay out late and then of course sleep til noon. I joined their schedule cause otherwise I wouldn’t have that much time to spend with them. But I hated it. For me, the morning hours are the most valuable. More hours of sun:)
How do you feel about mornings? When do you wake up?

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