the end of April

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yoga-offie-april2017Been doing yoga in my office space this week. This pic is from this morning.

Omg, I haven’t blogged since Easter. To be honest, not much has happened. The weather kinda sucks and I haven’t felt like doing much. We have been out for dinners a few times, been shopping for more crap and that’s about it.
The apartment is coming together though. It’s taking longer time than I thought. We don’t wanna buy a bunch of stuff just to fill up space, but we still want to make it a home. We finally found a coffee table for our living room and our new nightstands was delivered yesterday. Yay! It’s mostly just clutter and putting up picture frames left now. Things needs to find their place and I want to make it easy for us to be able to use them. My office upstairs and the yoga/meditation/pilates/dance room (I think I need a name for that room…) is almost finished and so is the living room, so that’s awesome.
I see that the sun is finally showing up now, so I’m gonna take Thor for a walk and then put the nightstands together. Have an awesome Friday!

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