Pink Moon Night

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Last night, I sat on the couch watching the “Girls” tv-show. Outside the window I saw the full moon light up the dark night. I watched the moon the night before as well. There is something special with a bright full moon. When the clouds shifted around the moon it looked like different paintings. I felt like I wanted to draw it but then it quickly changed into another painting to draw. So both on Monday night and yesterday I tried to take pictures of it. Last night I changed to the bigger lens I have that can zoom in a lot and get close to the moon. It was a Pink Moon night and I wanted to see if it actually was pink, which it wasn’t, it was orange. 
My dreams change a lot depending on the moon I’ve noticed. When it’s about to become a full moon I always have strange dreams or nightmares. Feels almost like a cleans actually. Maybe my dreamworld needs to get shit out so it can start fresh when the full moon arrives and after that I can get creative. I am a Cancer which is ruled by the moon. What that means, I don’t really know but I would actually like to learn more about it. Everything I read about the zodiac sign Cancer doesn’t fit me of course, but a lot does and I feel that the moon has an affect on me somehow.

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