Our Easter

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Happy Easter! We have had a wonderful weekend. Today we’ve had 27°c (80°f) degrees outside! I love it!!

Our Friday was kinda slow. We finished putting our patio furniture together that we had bought the day before. We skyped with my parents and showed them around our new place before we went shopping at the mall. In the in the evening we dressed up a bit and walked to a sushi restaurant. So much food! It was awesome and I wouldn’t mind going back there..but I would order less food next time:)

datenight-sura-april14-2017 sushi-for-two-april14-2017

On Saturday, we decided to drive back to IKEA. Bought pillows, more mirrors, decoration things and picture frames. I also got a bookcase for my office and a new desk chair, which I didn’t need but it looked very nice and feels awesome to sit in. Jim is a little jealous I think:) We were pretty tired for the rest of the day. After putting together the new stuff, we ordered pizza and watched hockey.


Today we woke up at 8am, got ready and left the apartment a half hour later. We drove for about ten minutes and then enjoyed an 1.5 hour hike. Since we knew that today would be a hot day, we wanted to hike early in the morning for Thor’s sake. We chose a shorter trail just because we didn’t know how T would be. This was the first time that T got to walk around in a forest. He did so well, I’m proud of him. It was so quiet there. We walked past a few people, but for the most part we were alone and we only heard birds in the trees and the sound of our own footsteps. We are looking forward to walk there when the trees are green:)
Back home, we made coffee and brought it up on our terrace. It had already got pretty hot by then. So nice! Around noon, we went to the Home Depot to buy some plants, pots and potting mix. I was so excited in the car on the way home, I wanted to plant stuff right away. But it was too windy on the terrace then. Everything was blowing around and the dirt would have ended up everywhere else except in the pots, I have to do it another day. So, we just sat there and enjoyed the sun. We have been fixing things in the apartment for a little while and now we enjoyed a nice chicken dinner. Pretty nice Easter weekend! I hope you had an awesome weekend as well!


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