Lots of shopping

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I’ve been busy here in the new apartment. I wanted to get rid of boxes as soon as possible so I have been putting everything in piles in the room they belong. The boxes we have left are all under the stairs right now. It’s Jim’s computer stuff and he doesn’t have a desk yet. 

We have been enjoying the “suburb” life. On our first day, we went grocery shopping, not much, just few breakfast things. I really felt like I walked in to the real American life. Living in New York is definitely not giving you the feeling that you are living in America. Everybody speaks different languages, you eat out at restaurants and bars from all over the world all the time and grocery stores are crappy and expensive. We went back to the same grocery store few days later and bought everything we needed. Shopping with a cart made us feel like grownups 🙂 The amount of stuff we got would have cost us the double in NYC. I also find a lot of organic and raw products here and everything is fresh! I’ve been feeling like a little kid on Christmas. Super excited about food:)

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On Saturday, we went to Ikea in New Haven, an hour north of our apartment. I love car trips! We found what we came there for, but two things we wanted to pick up in the end of the store was out of stock. So we decided to not bring any furniture home at all and order it online. Back home we saw that the shipping cost was way higher than we had first thought. So, Jim ordered a desk from some other place online and we have to find the other things we needed somewhere else. But we have some new things for our bigger kitchen, a new dresser, towels and of course I bought Swedish food and candy. Mostly candy:) They only had one kind of salty licorice and everything in the “pick-your-own” candy boxes was old and hard like rocks, but, it’s still candy, I like it. And they had my favorite cheese!! 

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Sunday is the worst day to go shopping, but we ended up going to Costco then anyway. I have never ever heard of that you need a membership card to go shopping in a store. I thought Jim was joking first time he told me a month ago. You can’t shop there if you don’t have a card. It’s a huge store with everything. Jim bought wireless speakers and we bought lots of meat and coffee. Everything there comes in huge family packs and we don’t need a billion onions or five thousand shampoo bottles plus we bought everything we needed in our grocery store few days before. 

Yesterday we went to Home Depot and got a carpet for our storage room, aka my dance/yoga room. It has been hard to find a rug or carpet in the size we want. This one is slightly too small but we also bought a bookcase to cover some of the space and for the rest I don’t care so much about. I think the room will turn out awesome after I have decorated in there:)

Wow, that was a long update about shopping, haha. And we haven’t even bought everything we need. We still need a sleeper sofa, bar stools, patio furniture and something for all of our shoes in the walk-in-closet. We are spending lots of money now, but we want to make this a home. The apartment is almost twice the size as our old one so of course we need more things. I will show you the apartment when we are getting closer to done. 

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