a new building

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IMG_20170318_161239_250Moving in to a brand new building is great in many ways. You’re the first one to use everything and noone has touched every single inch of your home before you (I am kinda a germaphobe, so I think of stuff like that). No weird smells, everything is clean, everything is new. It’s awesome! 
But, on the minus side…you are the one using everything for the first time. You are the one that gets to check if everything works in the apartment, and some things unfortunately doesn’t. Like, I broke the curtain the first day (which is fixed already, I love how quick they are) and yesterday we tried the dishwasher twice, but there was no water coming in, so it didn’t work. But the guy came here a minute ago and fixed it in like two sec, so it’s all good now. 
It’s not a big deal. We knew that it can be a bit risky to move in to a place we know nothing about, but mostly, it’s all great!

The snow on our terrace has almost melted now. Every time we went to see the apartment it was either heavy rain or too much snow so we couldn’t go out on the terrace. And when we moved in this weekend it was so much snow we couldn’t even open the door. But I have been out there to check it out a few times now. I love it. It’s huge! We don’t know what kind of furniture we want there yet though. We want a dinner table and some comfy chairs, but I have to say, it’s not easy to pick it out. Wood is nice, but after a few days of rain you’ll have to through them away since they gonna look bad. Jim wants some frosted glass table but I think it looks too much like a cafe. We’ll see what we can find. It’s fun to look for outdoor stuff:) I’m excited to buy some plants to decorate out there with too. 

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