Statue of Liberty

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Awhile ago, we booked tickets to go up to the crown of the Statue of Liberty. I have been on the island and seen Lady Liberty up close once before, but not been inside her. I’ve been told since I first came here that she was closed and you couldn’t go up, but that was apparently not true. She was under construction for a while after 9/11, but it’s been possible the whole time I’ve lived here. Oh well. My husband has never been out there so I’m glad that I got to experience this with him.

You have to book your tickets 1-2 month ahead, and I now understand why. It’s a very tight space and the stairs up doesn’t fit more than one person. And unhealthy people should be prepared for a workout. You can take the elevator up to the pedestal (which you also need tickets for btw) but if you feel like walking instead, which we ended up doing, it’s 354 stairs from the bottom to the top. The spiral stairs from the pedestal up to the crown is very narrow and hard to walk up if you have a bigger body. Jim, who isn’t super tall, had to watch his head on the way down, so to be short like me is perfect:)

The crown is small and there’s not much to see, but it’s absolutely worth it! I thought it was super cool to see it from the inside. I almost felt starstruck, haha. This statue represent so much and to see the city from the inside was amazing. 

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If you plan to go out to Liberty Island on your vacation to New York, then I recommend you to go online at least a month before your trip and book your tickets for the crown. 

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