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I walked outside and everybody I met looked tired. We are all tired. It was a long night. Today is a weird day. Trump will be our new President.
Facebook is overflowing with my friends/people I know who are deeply upset and sad today. Most of them don’t live in America, but the whole world has been watching this. People seem shocked though. We all knew it would be either Trump or Clinton, so I don’t know how they can be surprised. I don’t think it would have mattered much which one it would have been, America would not turn out awesome either way, it just happened to be the big baby clown that won. 
But I do have to congratulate Trump. Books, podcasts, videos and speakers are telling us that we can achieve all our dreams if we just believe in them and work hard, and well, Donald wanted to be a business man, appear on tv and become President. He has succeeded on more things in his life than a lot of us. Good for him. Now we can only hope that he gets nothing done and then someone else can get elected.
I don’t know enough to speak out loud about all this and I was not allowed to vote. I just hope that it won’t be too bad. 

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