A helping hand

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fultonstreet-oct13-2016Last night when Jim and I walked home from a Mexican place, a woman stopped me on Broadway near Wall Street and asked if I could walk her across the street. I saw her trying to get other peoples attention before I came near her but everybody else ignored her. I walked her across two streets and she was asking about bus stops but then decided to take the subway instead, so I had her leaning on my arm to the elevator to the Fulton Subway stop.
The first thing my husband said after I said goodbye to the old woman was “what is it with you helping people in this area? They just come to you”, because yes, this is not the first time.
I’m not sharing this story with you to brag about my good deeds. I want to tell you how good it felt to be in service to someone else. This innocent woman needed help and I happened to be the one that stopped and listen to her. She made my day. 

It’s so easy to be caught up in our own world and miss what’s around us. Stressed people who had just finished work and wanted to get home didn’t see or hear this woman. I don’t blame them. There are plenty of weirdos in this city who talks to you and a lot of times it’s just pure bulls*** and most of the time they only want your money. Or even worse, they pee on you (yes, that happened to me once). But some people are just asking for a little help. 

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