July 12

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20150711_140924_2A photo of my little love and me from exactly a year ago

We have a little boy who loves to eat twigs outside. Thor knows that he’s not supposed to but just like a little 3 year old, he ignores us or makes it a game to try to eat before we take it from him. This has of course now caused a problem. We were up all night between Sunday and Monday with a puppy who threw up. He got some stuff out around 8 pm and usually it stops after that, but he seemed to have something stuck and he kept throwing up. After a while, he was so uncomfortable that he started to cry:( Early in the morning after his last attempt to get it out, he was in bed with us trying to find a way to sleep, he started shaking and screaming in pain. So when the vet opened we called and could come in directly. He was so tired that he fell asleep standing up several times. The doctor didn’t get much noise out of him since he was so exhausted but there was clearly discomfort. After two hours with x-rays and meds, he could come home. He was all drugged up and slept all day long. He is better today but still sleepy. But he will be himself soon I think. We are gonna do some more test in a few weeks and then we’ll know more if this has caused bigger problems.
Pets can’t tell you what’s wrong and it’s heartbreaking to see them in pain. Lucky for us, we have a vet around the corner so we could take him there directly and get help. He’s our little baby and we are now praying that he’ll be ok soon ♥

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