My brain is already on vacation

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We were kinda busy last weekend and this week went by fast.
Last Friday was Midsummer’s Eve. Jeanette came over around 4 and we met some other Swedish girls in the R. Wagner Park. The festival didn’t start until 5 but there was lots of groups of people there already. Jim joined us after he finished work and then we just walked between places all night. One picnic area with Jeanette and co, another area with Emma, Levy, Carolina and Johanna, the area with the dancing around the maypole, the meatballs and fika lines and back and forth to our apartment to get more stuff to drink and to take Thor out for a walk. Four hours of crazy Swedish people that all looked the same. But it was fun. This was the first time I really stayed there to celebrate and it was nice that I knew people to feel Swedish with.

On Saturday we had errands to do during the day and at night we took uber up to Columbus Circle for Adrian’s birthday party. All the other (younger) party people continued to East Village closer to midnight but J and I went home (we’re an old married couple I guess 🙂 ), which was a perfect decision, cause I was still so so tired on Sunday. Jim and I walked to Tribeca to have lunch and then we somehow managed to get to Christopher St to see the Pride Parade which was just as crazy as previous years.
Right now, Jim and I are ready for vacation. Going to the airport early tomorrow morning. Jeanette is staying in our apartment to take care of Thor, so I think little T will have lots of fun when we are gone. 

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