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Hello! It’s been awhile. How are you guys?
Yesterday I got the great news that I am approved for Permanent Residence in the United States of America. I can’t even explain how happy I am and what a relief this is.
The whole day was full of good energy and I had a strong feeling that yesterday was gonna be great. I went to 18th Street and took my very first Kundalini yoga class taught by my friend Jeanette. Wonderful class and I was surprised over that my body did so well, but my guess is that everything felt good because I came into the class with such open heart and mind. When the class was over and I had gathered my things, I saw an email on my phone. At first I didn’t really understand what I was reading. Last week I sent a message to my lawyer that I was worried about that my papers where gonna expire, so at first I thought it was something about that. But then I realized that the email was telling me that I am approved for my second Green Card and that if I want to I can apply for citizenship soon. So happy! I went to HU with J for some fika and I kinda forgot about it until I was on my way home. I stood there on the subway train and almost started to cry of happiness.
My love for my husband doesn’t change because of a card or not. We just want to be together and we have decided to stay here, so to be approved by his country means a lot to me. We were expecting to be approved, but I have still been worried, cause you never know. The process this time took almost a year (crazy!) so I have been feeling stressed about it for a long time. But now, I’m approved 🙂
I am in no rush to apply for a citizenship. I read that a lot of people actually never apply for one, they just renew their Green Card every ten years. It would be kinda nice to not have to deal with these papers for the rest of my life, so maybe I apply to become a citizen before this card expires, but I have a lot of time now to think about it:)

Hej! Det var ett tag sedan. Hur mar ni?
Igar fick jag den stora nyheten att jag ar godkand for Permanent Uppehallstillstand i the United States of America. Jag kan inte ens forklara hur glad jag ar och vilken lattnad detta ar.
Hela dagen var full av god energi och jag hade en stark kansla av att gardagen skulle bli fantastisk. Jag akte upp till 18th Street och tog min allra forsta Kundalini yoga klass undervisad av min van Jeanette. Underbar klass och jag var forvanad over att min kropp gjorde sa bra ifran sig, men jag antar att allt kandes bra pga att jag kom in pa klass med oppet hjarta och sinne. Nar klassen var over och jag hade samlat mina saker, sag jga ett mejl pa mobilen. Forst forstod jag itne riktigt vad jag laste. Forra veckan skickade jag ett meddelande till min advokat att jag var orolig att mina papper skulle ga ut, sa forst trodde jag att det handlade om det. Men sedan forstod jag att mejlet berattade att jag blivit godkand for mitt andra Green Card och att om jag vill kan jag ansoka om medborgarskap snart. Sa glad! Jag gick till HU tillsammans med J och glomde typ bort det tills jag var pavag hem. Jag stod dar pa tunnelbanetaget och borjade nastan grata av lycka.
Min karlek till min man andras inte pa grund av ett kort eller inte. Vi vill ju bara var tillsammans och vi har beslutat oss for att stanna har, sa att bli godkand av hans land betyder mycket for mig. Vi forvantade oss att vi godkanda, men jag har anda varit orolig, for man vet ju aldrig. Processen denna gang har tagit nastan ett ar (galet!) sa jag har kannt mig stressad over det ett bra tag. Men nu ar jag godkand 🙂
Jag har itne brottom att ansoka om medborgarskap. Jag laste att manga faktiskt aldrig ansoker om det, de bara fornyar sitt Green Card var tionde ar. Det vore ratt skont att inte behova ta itu med dessa papper for resten av mitt liv, sa kanske att jag ansoker om att bli medborgare innan detta kort gar ut, men jag har mycket tid pa mig att tanka pa det:)

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