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Last week we had very mixed weather so some of the days we were a lot more busy than others. On Tuesday the first day of March, we had Korean bbq at Kang Ho Dong Baekjeong and after a really good dinner we continued on to see The Knicks at Madison Sq Garden. Denice caught a t-shirt at the game (with one hand standing on one foot and won over two other guys who tried to take it, hehe). We had a fun night. This was the first time D ate Korean food and her first time at a basketball game so it was fun that J could get us all tickets through work. There was plenty of famous people there then too. Michael J Fox, Michael Rapaport, John Turturro, K. Michelle and Nicky Jam
Jim and I went to Webster Hall on Friday and saw three bands. PWR, some other really bad band and then Ra Ra Riot, who we have seen twice before. I had such great time there. That place is huge so after the concert ended we went downstairs and had an entire dance floor to ourselves and below that was another stage with some old band playing.

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