Ikea day

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Yesterday I went to Ikea in Brooklyn with Emma and Levy. We had a great time there. I don’t know who was more excited about all the stuffed toys there, haha. We both wanted to buy a Christmas star for our windows (that’s what you have in Sweden) but there seemed to be a lot sold out already. At least I found all the other things that I was looking for. New coffee mugs, a frying pan and a new plant, super exciting things huh:) And of course we were going nuts in the food section. I found out that they now have “losviktsgodis” aka candy by the pound. That’s what every single store in Sweden has and that’s what Swedish people miss the most living abroad. I didn’t buy much though, they didn’t have a lot of salty licorice, but still enough to be super excited for and of course I ate most of it when we watched a movie last night. 
Our plans for today’s Thanksgiving just changed, so I’m gonna get both myself and Thor ready now. I wish you an awesome day with friends and family. Happy Thanksgiving! 

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