National Relaxation Day

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imageSo, today is National Relaxation Day. I wonder how many that actually celebrates that..?
I have done 45 minutes of yoga and then been sitting on the couch with a book zipping my coffee. What a great start of the day! Very relaxing:)
My two boys are sleeping. We went to bed pretty late last night. We went to the bar inside the Trump building with J’s work, went home quick to take T out and then off to a bbq place and came home kinda late. I was tired then but my hubby had energy and was playing music, talked about the lyrics and we had a good time, so it was ok to stay up a little longer than usual.
I have a lot of energy now though after both yoga and coffee. My body was tired in every move and pose I did, but it felt good to wake up the body and it gave me a fresh start of the day.
What are you gonna do (or maybe not do) today to be relaxed?

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