The Growler

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I helgen at vi lunch pa The Growler, en bar pa Stone Street. Vi letade online efter ett stalle att ta med Thor till for att kunna kolla pa basketmatchen i lordags och det star att Growler ar hundvanligt, men nar vi ringde visade det sig att hundar kan fa komma och sitta ute (vilket alla hundvanliga stallen i NY sager…vad menas da med hundvanlig? Hundar kan alltid vara ute). Iaf, vi tyckte anda att menyn var intressant sa vi gick dit for lunch pa sondagen. De har visst inte heller nagon tv dar, sa det var ju bra att vi inte gick dit pa lordagen. 
De ar kanda for sina hot dogs dar sa det bestallde vi saklart. Bestallde ocksa in fried pickles. Om ni inte har provat det, gor det! De har inte det pa sa manga stallen, men nar ett stalle har det pa menyn bestaller vi alltid in det. Jag provade aven en coffee beer som var intressant och passade for en hot dog lunch. Det var en trevlig bar och de hade fler saker pa menyn som jag skulle ga dit igen for. 

This weekend we had lunch at The Growler, a bar on Stone Street. We were looking online for a place to bring Thor to be able to see the basketball on Saturday and it says that Growler is dog friendly, but when we called it turned out that dogs can come but sit outside (which all dog friendly places in NY says…what does it mean with dog friendly then? Dogs can always be outside). Anyway, we thought the menu looked interesting so we went there for lunch on Sunday. It appeared that they don’t have any tv there either, so good thing we didn’t go there on Saturday.
They are famous for their hot dogs there so we ordered that of course. Also ordered fried pickles. If you haven’t tried it, do it! They don’t have it on many places, but when a place has it on the menu we always order it. I also tried a coffee beer that was interesting and fit well with a hot dog lunch. It was a nice bar and they had more things on the meny that I want to go back there for.

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