This weekend felt long

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chocolateballs weekend-yumGoat cheese and olives stuffed with garlic is two of my favorites! 

Det kandes som att denna helg var jattelang vilket ar underbart. Vanligtvis gar dagarna sa fort att man inte hinner med eller minns vad man har gjort. 
I lordags akte vi till Brooklyn for att fixa skattepapper. Jag ville folja med for att se hur det fungerar har. Kvinnan kom tva timmar for sent (inte ok!) sa vi gick och at brunch medan vi vantade. Pancakes och mimosa, yum! Sen tog det enormt lang tid for henne att fixa allt och i slutandan hade hon gjort en massa fel vilket suger. Aja, det loser sig, det blir bara lite extra jobb for Jim. Under sondagen blev det lite nodvandig shopping, stadning, omelette brunch, basket (March Madness), workout och massor av bus med Thor. Ingen speciell helg men vi fick iaf mycket tid tillsammans. 
I fredags kopte vi en massa gott som vi kunde njuta av tre kvallar i rad. Ost, brod, korv, sallad och fyllda oliver. Hittade aven den bra sorten av kakao (den forra tog slut for over ett ar sedan och den Tyska kakao som smakar bast finns inte att hitta overallt, jag har provat tre andra sorter och ingen ar bra) och var bara tvungen att gora chokladbollar som fika. Vara helger handlar mycket om mat. Vi gar garna ut och ater och testar garna nya stallen, men ibland har vi mat hemma. Att njuta av god mat och dryck ar trevligt att gora tillsammans. 

It felt like this weekend was really long which is wonderful. Normally the days goes by so fast that you can’t keep up or remember what you’ve done. 
On Saturday we went to Brooklyn to do taxes. I wanted to come with to see how it works here. The woman came two hours late (not ok!) so we went for brunch while we waited. Pancakes and mimosa, yum! Then it took really long time for her to fix everything and in the end she had made a lot of mistakes which sucks. Oh well, it will ok in the end, just a little more work for Jim. During the Sunday we went for necessary shopping, cleaning, omelette brunch, basketball (March Madness), workout and lots of fun with Thor. Not a special weekend but we got a lot of time together at least. 
On Friday we bought a lot of good stuff that we could enjoy three nights in a row. Cheese, bread, sausage, salad and stuffed olives. I also found the good kind of cocoa (I finished the last one over a year ago and the German cocoa that tastes the best they don’t have everywhere, I have tried three different kinds and none is good) and just had to make chocolate balls for fika. Our weekend is mostly about food. We gladly to go out to eat and we love to try new places, but sometimes we have food at home. To enjoy good food and drinks is nice to do together. 

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