Good energy

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Hej pa er! Borjade dagen med en solig promenad och agg till frukost. Jag alskar nar dagen borjar bra for da fortsatter hela dagen oftast sa. Min rygg gor extremt ont idag dock, men om jag tanker riktigt hart att den ska bli bra, da kommer den nog bli det 🙂 
Pa fredag kommer var nya soffa!! Nu ska Jim’s gamla grona soffa saljas. Det ar en av de skonaste soffor jag har suttit i, men, den ar gron, gammal och det kanns skont med en ny soffa. Jag minns dock knappt hur soffan vi har kopt ser ut, sa det blir en nice surprise, hehe. Jag ser fram emot att fa stracka ut benen, dricka en kopp te och lasa en bok i den nya soffan. 

Hi guys! Started the day with a sunny walk and egg for breakfast. I love when the day start off good cause usually the whole day continues that way then. My back is in extreme pain today though, but if I think really hard that it will be good, it probably will be 🙂
On Friday we will get our new couch!! Now we’re selling Jim’s old green couch. It is one of the most comfortable couches I have been sitting on, but, it’s green, old and it feels good with a new couch. I don’t really remember how the new couch looks like, so that will be a nice surprise, hehe. I’m looking forward to stretch out my legs, have a cup of tea and read a book in the new couch. 

green_couch_01If anyone wants to buy this couch, please send me an email:

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