Smoky Street

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IMG_5169_2 IMG_5166_2Seen on the street by Trinity Church. Very often, day
or night, you see this smoke coming from the ground

Jag berattade ju for er att Thor nu ar en tonaring och gar baklanges med vissa saker. Han ar bra pa “leave it” och “drop it” men ibland ar det helt enkelt roligare att tugga och svalja innan vi hinner peta ut det ur munnen. Inatt spydde han klockan 4 och sen klockan 5. Sma trabitar. Stackars lilla halsen. Men, han mar bra iaf. Vi ar dock supertrotta. Thor och jag tog en sovmorgon tillsammans till klockan 9 da vi drog oss ut pa en promenad. Underbart vader idag! 

I told you about that Thor now is a teenager and goes backwards with some things. He is good at “leave it” and “drop it” but sometimes its simply more fun to chew and swallow before we get to grab things out of the mouth. At night he threw up at 4 and then at 5. Small wood pieces. Poor little throat. But, he feels fine. We are super tired though. Thor and I took a sleep-in together until 9 when we dragged ourselves out for a walk. Wonderful weather today!

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