Pigeon party

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IMG_5190_2Seen yesterday. Ten seconds after this photo was taken, a German guy ran
right through them and started kicking his legs around. Poor birds. 

Igar var det Martin Luther King Jr. Day sa Jim var ledig fran jobbet. Vi akte upp till Chelsea for att kopa biljetter pa Joyce Theater, men de hade visst inte oppet. Vi promenerade runt ett tag och tillslut at vi lunch pa en Mexican restaurang vid Union Square. Pa kvallen startade vi en yoga-video pa amazon prime (som netflix) och gjorde yoga tillsammans i vardagsrummet. Valdigt mysigt att yoga tillsammans, men jag fick inte mycket gjort da jag ville korrigera Jim till ratta positioner sa att han skulle fa ut mer av ovningarna och inte heller skada sig. Att leta upp gratis yoga/meditation/pilates lektioner pa amazon, netflix eller youtube ar verkligen att rekommendera. Har man inte tid att springa pa klass kan man ju faktiskt gora det hemma sjalv. Man har dock ingen larare med sig da som kan ratta och hjalpa, men om man blandar hemmatraning med att ga till studios kan man fa ut bra traning under veckan. 

Yesterday was Martin Luther King Jr. Day so Jim was off work. We went up to Chelsea to buy tickets at Joyce Theater, but they were not open. We walked around for a while and finally had lunch at a Mexican restaurant by Union Square. In the evening we started a yoga-video on amazon prime (like netflix) and did yoga together in the living room. Very nice to yoga together, but I didn’t get much done since I wanted to correct Jim to right positions so that he could get more out of the exercises and also not to get hurt.  To find free yoga/meditation/pilates classes on amazon, netflix or youtube is really to recommend. If you don’t have time to run to a class, then you can actually do at home alone. You don’t have a teacher there to correct or help you though, but if you mix home-training with going to a studio then you can get really good training throughout the week. 

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