Fun at the dentist….

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IMG_4884_3Picture from a couple of days ago. The next picture will be a smiley one 😀 

Jag hade ett ratt roligt besok hos tandlakaren idag. Aldrig nagonsin har jag tyckt att det var kul hos tandlakaren. Hon som putsade mina tander idag ar lika gammal som jag och ar skadespelare och vi pratade hur mycket som helst. Jag glomde lixom bort att jag satt i en tandlakarstol. Iaf, nu ar tanderna rena och fina. Jag ska tillbaka pa mandag och gora om en lagning som de jag gjort i Sverige innan jag flyttade hit. Min tandlakare gillar inte alls hur det ser ut (ar svensk tandlakare verkligen sa dalig som man hor och laser om?). I februari ska jag dra ut tva visdomstander ocksa, aaaahhh!! 
Nu har jag bestallt saker pa natet och ar redo for att leka med min lille valp som ar valdigt trott idag. 

I had a pretty fun visit at the dentist today. I have never thought a visit at the dentist was fun before. The girl who cleaned my teeth today is in the same age as me and an actress and we just talked a lot. I kinda forgot that I was in a dentist chair. Anyway, my teeth are clean now. I will be back on Monday and re-do a filling that I had done in Sweden before I moved here. My dentist doesn’t like how it looks at all (is Swedish dentist really that bad like I hear and read?). In February I will have two wisdom teeth taken out too, aaaahhh!!
Now I have ordered things online and I’m ready to play with my little puppy who’s very tired today. 

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