Inside The Chicago Board Option Exchange

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Sa, i onsdags tog vi taget fran suburbs in till Chicago city. Vi motte en man som vi gick till Bears game tillsammans med nagra dagar innan och han tog med oss in till The Chicago Board Option Exchange och visade oss runt. Jim jobbade dar under ett tag under college, sa det var inte nagot nytt for honom, men jag tyckte att det var awesome! J visade mig vad som forr var hans bord och berattade om hur det var att jobba dar. 
Vi har alla sett Wall Street filmer. Hur de star dar och skriker pa nagon over telefon, viftar pa papper i luften och tittar pa nummer pa tv screens. Det ar vad jag fick se nu, fast i en mindre version. Vad de har berattat for mig ar att stock exchange i New York, den kanda som vi kanner till, inte har riktigt har detta langre. Saker har blivit mer o mer over dator nu. Men i Chicago har de fortfarande en del av det. Mycket av det ar tomt dar, och det ar inte bara for att det var Thanksgiving denna vecka, det fanns inga datorer pa borden pa halva stallet. 
Men det var ett omrade dar alla stod i en circel, skrikandes, holl en eller tva telefoner mot sina orin, tittade pa skarmen av roda och grona nummer. Det kandes lite konstigt att star dar mitt i tillsammans med dem och ta bilder, men de verkade inte bry sig. En man fragade om jag var fran en tidning, haha. 
Jag ar glad att jag fick se detta, for vem vet hur lange detta kommer att finnas:)

So, on Wednesday we took the train from the suburbs in to the city of Chicago. We met up with a guy that we went to the Bears game with few days earlier and he brought us in to The Chicago Board Option Exchange and showed us around. Jim worked there for a while during college, so it was not new to him, but I thought it was awesome! J showed me what used to be his desk and told me about how it was to work there. 
We have all seen Wall Street movies. How they stand there and yell at someone on the phone, waving papers in the air and watching numbers on tv screens. That’s what I got to see now, only a much smaller version. What I’m told is that the stock exchange in New York, the famous one we know, doesn’t really have this anymore. Things are computerized these days. But in Chicago they still have some of it. A lot is empty in there, and that is not just because of that it was Thanksgiving this week, there were no computers on the desks in half of the place. 
But there was one area where they all stood in a circle, screaming, holding one or two phones against their ears, looking at the screen of red and green numbers. I felt a little awkward to stand there among them and take pictures, but they didn’t seem to be bothered. One man asked me if I was from a news paper, haha. 
I’m glad that I got to see this, because, who knows how long this will exist:) 

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