Back in NY

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Vi ar tillbaka i NY. Jag fick en ordentlig sovmorgon idag. Wohoo, det har jag inte haft sen innan vi skaffade Thor (tack till basta husband!). Eftersom Thanksgiving ar over och det ar forsta advent imorgon, har jag julpyntat hela dagen. Vi tog ett brake och gick till en bar vid Wall Street. Vi satt bredvid tva tanter fran Sverige som borjade braka pa den bredaste Orebro dialekten (tror jag att det var). En bit bort satt tva svenska herrar och snackade fotboll och jag slar vad om att dar fanns en hel del andra svenskar langre in i baren. 
Flygresan hem gick battre. Thor var tyst fram tills vi gick pa planet. Nar vi skulle lyfta och han var tvungen och ga in i sin carrier lat vi honom skalla tills hans trottnade och somnade snart. Vi kopte treats som skulle gora honom lugn infor forra resan, men de hjalpte inte ens efter hogsta dosering, sa vi kopte nya infor denna resa. De funkade inte riktigt for resan, men Thor har nu sovit hela dagen och varit jatte lugn (darfor jag passade pa att stada och julpynta, for annars atar han dammtrasan), sa infor nasta resa ska vi nog ge honom en treat tidigare an forut. 

We are back in NY. I got a real good sleep in today. Wohoo, I haven’t got that since before we got Thor (thanks to the best husband!). Since Thanksgiving is over and it’s first of Advent tomorrow, I have decorated for Christmas all day. We took a brake and went to a bar by Wall Street. We sat next to two old women from Sweden that started to fight on the widest dialect from Orebro (I think it was). A little bit away from us there sat two Swedish men that talked about soccer and I’m sure that there was more Swedish people farther in inside the bar. 
The flight home went better. Thor was quiet until we boarded the plane. When we were about to lift and he had to be down in his carrier, we let him bark until he tired himself out and soon fell asleep. We bought treats that would make him calm before the first trip, but that didn’t help even after the highest dose, so we bought new ones before this trip. It didn’t really work for the trip, but Thor has now been asleep all day long and been very calm (that’s why I took time to clean and decorate for Christmas, because otherwise he eats the dust wipe), so before the next trip we have to give him a treat earlier than before. 

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