Cards with chip

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Oj, nu kommer Bank of America till ar 2014. Nu ska korten fa ett chip! Hah, det har vi ju haft lange i Sverige och jag forstar inte varfor USA inte haft det tidigare. Har drar de kortet och man behover ingen kod. Vem som helst kan da med andra ord stjala ditt kort och kopa vad som helst. Varje gang jag kommer till Sverige maste jag fornya mitt svenska kort for att de har dragit sonder kortet. Nu anvande jag inte mitt svenska kort langre, men mitt Bank of America slits ju lika mycket. 
Sa ska ni resa till USA, tank pa hur ni anvander kortet. Vissa stallen ar det kanske battre att anvanda kontanter. Och hall hart i vaskan och planboken pa tex. tunnelbanan eller folkfyllda gator. 

Oh, now Bank of America is coming to the year 2014. The cards will now get a chip! Hah, that we’ve had for a long time in Sweden and I don’t understand why USA didn’t have it earlier. Here they swipe your card and you don’t need a pin. Anyone can then just steal your card and buy anything. Every time I go to Sweden I must renew my Swedish card cause they have been breaking it by swiping. Now I don’t use my Swedish card anymore, but my Bank of America has been worn out just as much. 
So if you are going to Sweden (or other countries they use chip), be prepared to have a pin and a valid ID. If your card does not have a pin, you could be better off with cash. In some stores in Sweden they might ask for your last 4 digits in your birth-number which you don’t have if you are an American (you have a social security number, but that is not the same thing), so to reduce time with the cashier you will be better off with cash.


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