Last day of September

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God morgon! Det borjar bli morkare och morkare pa morgonen nu. Lite svarare att kliva upp ur sangen. Men upp klockan 7 som vanligt och ut med Thor. Sa frisk luft sa tidigt pa dagen och man vaknar till. Snart ar det dags for andra morgon rundan ute. 

Good morning! It starts to be darker and darker in the morning now. A little harder to get up in the morning. But up at 7 like always and out with Thor. So fresh air so early on the day and you wake up. Soon time for the second morning walk outside. 
IMG_2085_2CIMG1441_2 CIMG1442_2Vi gar en annan runda pa morgonen. Da ser man New Jersey mellan traden. Dar ar den vackrare delen av parken, men vi kan inte ga dar for det ar hundforbud.
We walk another way in the morning. Then you see New Jersey between the trees. There is the more beautiful part of the park, but we can’t walk there cause it’s dog prohibition. 

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